Our Annual Events
March-Mighty Mover Women
August-Multicultural Festival
April-Pastor’s Appreciation
August-Backpack Giveaway
May-Mother's Day
October- Hygiene Day
June-Father's Day
November- Thanksgiving Baskets
July-Substance Awareness
December- Toys Giveaway
We rely immensely on the contributions of our donors inorder for our events to be a success. Do you feel inspired to sponsor one of these events?
Contact us at (978)-866-2327
or Email: Info@dwellinghouseofhope.org
2024 Events

Table Talk Mental Health Discussion Group

Monthly Food Demonstration

Monthly Birthday Celebration of Seniors

UMASS Volunteers Feeding The Homeless

Exercise Class

Walk For Hunger March 2024
Christmas Party for The Neighbors in Need - December 2024
Dwelling House of Hope in partnership with the Homeless Reform Project hosted The Annual Christmas party for the Neighbors in need at Elliot Church turning it into a beacon of the holiday spirit. This special event brought together neighbors and individuals in need to celebrate the holiday season in the spirit of community and generosity. Guests shared delicious meals, enjoyed festive music, and connected through acts of kindness and community. This meaningful collaboration reflected the true essence of the season—spreading hope, compassion, and togetherness.

Thanksgiving Giveaway - November 2024
Dwelling House of Hope’s Thanksgiving event was a great success! We distributed over 3000 food boxes, 1500 bags of Thanksgiving Essentials, $20 gift cards, over 1000 turkeys to residents of the Greater Lowell area in partnership with the United Way of Merrimack Valley, and Greater Boston Food Bank. We are grateful to the many community volunteers who joined us to make this day of giving possible. Working hard amongst the volunteers and leaders were State Senator Edward Kennedy.

Pastors Appreciation Banquet - April 2024
Dwelling House of Hope was proud to express gratitude and honor the Pastors and Faith Leaders in our community who play a significant role through inspiring love, guidance, uplifting, fostering during challenging times, and connecting those in need to community resources.
We thank all the Faith Leaders in our community for all the you do!

Mighty Movers Women’s Award March, 2024
On of our missions is to recognize and honor exceptional contributions in our community, in honor of the International Women’s Day we host a gathering to celebrate the women in our community, in various fields who have worked hard and demonstrated exceptional leadership, determination and commitment to make a difference and have not been recognized in mainstream society despite beating all odds to be successful and productive members of society. Their work and contributions to the community go largely unnoticed.
We aim to inspire recognition, appreciation and inclusivity, fostering a world where every woman’s impact is acknowledged and celebrated.

2023 Events
Its fair to conclude that 2023 was a very successful year for Dwelling House of Hope! From having the honor of having the Governor visit our agency to hosting the Multicultural Festival, so many people have contributed in so many ways to turn all events into a great success.
We owe much gratitude to all involved and are looking forward to another great year.

Governor's Visit - July 2023

Governor's Visit - July 2023

Christmas Toy Drive - December 2023

Mother's Day Giveaway - May 2023

Christmas Dinner with the Homeless - December 2023

Multicultural Festival - August 2023
Thanksgiving Meal Giveaway Nov, 2022
Dwelling House of Hope’s Thanksgiving event was a great success! We distributed 3000+ food boxes, gift cards, baking trays and turkeys to residents of the Greater Lowell area in partnership with the United Way of Merrimack Valley, and Greater Boston Food Bank. We are grateful to the many community volunteers who joined us to make this day of giving possible. Working hard amongst the volunteers and leaders were state Senator Edward Kennedy, state Representatives Rodney Elliott, State Representative Vanna Howard, and Lowell City Councilors John Drinkwater and Erik Gitschier, UMass Lowell’s fraternity Delta Kappa Phi, Dwelling House of Hope Youth Group, and the Outreach Team from Greater Lowell Health Alliance.
Through our partnerships with Fusion Church, Lowell Health Department, Health Resources in Action, Greater Lowell Health Alliance, we also provided Covid-19 vaccinations, hygiene bags for covid-19 prevention and $75 gift cards for each vaccinated person.
COVID-19 Safety Education Day Oct, 2021
This October we held an event to emphasize the importance of remaining vigilant to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our speakers expressed the importance of continued hand washing, mask wearing and social distancing. We also distributed supplies of personal protection and hygiene items.
End of Summer Event Aug, 2021
We held our end of summer event with 250 free back-to-school backpacks for the kids, a big yard sale of new clothes, coats and household items, and a COVID-19 vaccination drive. We also distributed food to 200+ families.
The event was attended by State Senator Ed Kennedy, State Representative Vanna Howard, City Councilor Sokhary Chau, Dan O’Conner, the acting director of the City of Lowell Hunger and Homeless Comission Dominik Lay, school committee member,, Stacey Thompson, candidate for school committee, and Lowell Mayor John Leahy, who presented us with a proclamation from the City of Lowell declaring September as Hunger Action Month and recognizing the work that Dwelling House of Hope has been doing.
State Senator Ed Kennedy (Left) and Mayor John Leahy (Center) presenting Levenia Furusa, Founder and Executive Director of Dwelling House of Hope with a Proclamation from the City of Lowell declaring September as Hunger Action Month and recognizing the great work that Dwelling House of Hope is doing in the community.
Family Hygiene Day June, 2021
Dwelling House of Hope held its first Family Hygiene Day. We gave out 250 bags of personal hygiene products (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, etc.) in addition to our usual food distribution. Congresswoman Lori Trahan, Representative Thomas Golden, Lowell Mayor John Leahy and Lowell Councilor Sokhary spoke to clients encouraging everyone to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Mother’s Appreciation Day May, 2021
Every year Dwelling House of Hope makes a special effort to honor mothers on Mother’s Day. This past year has been especially hard for mothers because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Who would know that life could change so quickly? All the plans we had were all shattered. Mothers had to adjust their schedules, working from home, losing their jobs, remote schooling their children, isolation from support networks, and loss of socializing with friends, family, and loved ones.
This year we were joined by State Senator Ed Kennedy and State Representative Vanna Howard in our efforts to lift Mothers’ sprits and let them know that they are not forgotten.
Thanksgiving Nov, 2020
This year we distributed boxes of food for Thanksgiving to 470 families, many of them were delivered to people’s homes with the help of our partner organizations. Boxes were prepared beforehand and more stuff was added on Saturday, including vegetables, bread, pastries, meat and turkey. The clients were also given a $50 Market Basket gift card by the United Way.
Mother’s Appreciation Day May, 2020
We continued to honor mothers on mother’s day, even in the midst of the COVID-19 health emergency. We delivered gifts, cakes, roses and boxes of food to those hardest hit by the health emergency.
Thanksgiving Nov, 2019
This November Dwelling House of Hope teamed with the United Way to distribute Thanksgiving meals to those in need. In addition to our usual food distribution, clients received fixing for Thanksgiving and a gift certificate to purchase a Turkey or other food to complete their meal. We served over 200 Clients this day!
Back-to-School Backpacks Sept, 2019
In collaboration with The Wish Project, we provide school-age children with free backpacks filled with school supplies.
Families from various Merrimack Valley communities came with their children to get these backpacks.